Welcome to our blog!! Here you will see our most recent work and some great tips from your favorite Phoenix wedding photographer.
DePoy Studios loves to show off our couples to our readers. These blog posts could help you as well on your way to a your dream wedding. We hope you enjoy these blog posts from our weddings and engagement sessions!
If there are any tips your want to hear about please reach out to us so we can help you on your way to a stress free fun-filled wedding!
Anyone who knows us knows we are cray cray for couples who are MaDly in love….. Meet April and Amanda. Two people who make an EPIC couple and we are blessed to be joining them as their Chandler same sex wedding photographer at The Wright House in 2016!!! Their love for one another is undeniable…. they […]
Courtney and Lindsay Sedona Engagement What would you pay to have this? DePoy Studios is thinking about adding videos like this to some of our collections and we want your feedback!! Is this something that you would like to have from your engagement and your wedding? Or maybe just one of them, and tell […]
As Phoenix, Arizona’s go~to same sex wedding photographer we are proud to say we are sponsoring the upcoming Pride Guide LGBT Wedding and Honeymoon EXPO in Phoenix, Arizona. DePoy Studios love rockin’ out all types of weddings and are madly in love with couples who are madly in love. We are Phoenix wedding photographers who […]