As Phoenix, Arizona’s go~to same sex wedding photographer we are proud to say we are sponsoring the upcoming Pride Guide LGBT Wedding and Honeymoon EXPO in Phoenix, Arizona.
DePoy Studios love rockin’ out all types of weddings and are madly in love with couples who are madly in love. We are Phoenix wedding photographers who specialize in gay wedding photography in and around Phoenix, Arizona as well as world wide…take us with you on your dream wedding!! This same sex wedding expo is going to be one for the books with some killer give aways that the Pride Guide has worked hard to bring to same sex couples getting married. Just to name the best ones…round trips to Sydnet, who would not want to win that?? and round trip to Hawaii!!! Hello…if you are a same sex couple looking to be married here in Arizona and want to make it legal, win that trip to Hawaii for your honeymoon 🙂
DePoy Studios will be giving away one hell of a gift as well!! We are giving away a wedding photography collections valued at $1,500.00!! I know…amazing right.
We hope you come and join your favorite same sex wedding photographers, DePoy Studios, and enter to win all these great give aways and show some support to the LGBTQ Wedding community.
Make sure to mark this date August 24th on your calendar and join us at the JW Marriott at 5350 E Marriott Dr. Phoenix, Arizona 85054 Doors open at 12am so don’t be late.
For more information on DePoy Studios, Phoenix same sex wedding photographer, please email us at
Phoenix, Arizona’s same sex wedding photographer, DePoy Studios
Phoenix, Arizon’s gay wedding photographer, DePoy Studios
Phoenix, Arizona’s LGBT wedding photographer, DePoy Studios